WHITE OAK - Quercus alba

white oak

NAME: White Oak
BOTANICAL NAME: Quercus alba
ALSO KNOWN AS: Bur Oak, Swamp chestnut, Swamp oak, Live oak
RANGE: Widespread throughout the Eastern US. Less plentiful than Red Oak
STRENGTH PROPERTIES: Heavy, hard and strong with outstanding wear-resistance. Moderate stability in use. Steam-bends very well. Very durable heartwood
GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS: Machines similarly to red oak but has greater tendency to chip and splinter. Turns well. Difficult to work by hand. Nails and screws satisfactorily although pre-drilling recommended. Glues satisfactorily. Stains and finishes well with no need to fill pores for smoothness. Contact with metal results in dark staining.
AVAILABILITY: Readily available
USES: Furniture, flooring, architectural millwork, mouldings, doors, kitchen cabinets, paneling, barrel staves and caskets.
COST: Moderate